The Story in the Bible | Through Line
Joe Casiglia   -  

Through Line: “The Story in The Bible”
Genesis 1:1,26-27, 12:1-3, John 1:6-14, Revelation 21:1-5
It is easy to MISUNDERSTAND the BIBLE if you don’t understand THE STORY in the Bible.
The Bible is the story of REDEMPTION and you are the REDEEMED.
Eight words that give you the ‘Through Line’ of the Story in the Bible.
“In the BEGINNING GOD created,”     Genesis 1:1
The Bible tells us WHY, our world came into existence.
When Adam and Eve broke THEIR RELATIONSHIP with God, everything under THEIR AUTHORITY broke.
“All peoples on earth will be blessed THROUGH you.”     Genesis 12:3
In the law God PROVIDES PROVISION for those who BREAK the law.
Israel lived in an almost constant state of war and invasion, because of their rebellion and their belief that they know better than God. But God always KEEPS His promises.
“The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the One and Only who came from the father full of GRACE and TRUTH.”    John 1:14
The Holy Spirit has been filling people who place their faith in Jesus so that we can live in this world that’s STILL BROKEN, but live lives and have relationships that are NO LONGER DEFINED by our brokenness.

“He who was seated on the throne said, I am making EVERYTHING NEW. Then He said write this down for these words are TRUSTWORTHY and TRUE.”    Revelation 21:5