The Gather Podcast | God Sees You
Autumn Casiglia   -  

This week Autumn shared with us from her journal, “By learning who God says He is we learn to adore Him.  Adoration is where our circumstances and His character meet. It is where we find our hearts. It is where we find Him fighting for us. When we learn to truly adore Him, we learn to put on our armor and fight the enemies lies. Adoration is where we find our strength and power beyond our circumstances.  When we adore Him we see Him above all else.”
One of God’s many names is “Elroi” – the God who sees me.
God sees us, He created us and saw us before we were even born. (Psalm 139)
When Hagar was mistreated and sent away by the only people she had as family, God saw her. When she was homeless and abandoned, God provided for her. She says, “God you are The God Who Sees Me?”
Genesis 16.
Have you ever felt unseen, forgotten, overlooked or abandoned?
Listening prayer:  Ask God to show you what He sees when He sees you.  Ask Him to show you the lies you have believed about how He sees you and to help you replace the lies with His truth.
John 3:16-17: You are loved and not condemned. You are worth everything to Him.
Revelation 3:20: You are wanted and pursued.
Ephesians 2:8: You are loved apart from what you do or don’t do.
Ephesians 1:   You are equipped, chosen, blameless because of Jesus, adopted, redeemed, forgiven, secured by the Holy Spirit.
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