The Ten Commandments | The First Commandment
Sam Franjione   -  

Read This

“You shall have no other gods before me.”

Exodus 20:1-17

Remember This

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’

Matthew 22:37-39

Remember This Too: 

  • You shall have no other gods.
  • What does this mean? 
  • We should fear, love, and trust in God above all things.

Think About This

God gives this commandment, and all of the commandments, because He made us and knows us so well that He knows what’s best for us.

Drive Time

Take some time to talk with your student about priorities. Ask them if they know what the word “priorities” means, and what their priorities are. Talk about why you both think God wants to be the highest priority in our lives.

Meal Time

Have a conversation about people who your student trusts. Identify these people and determine the reason for why they trust those people. There are probably really good reasons for why your student trusts them. We want your student to feel that way about God, and so next, have them make a list of reasons why your student should trust God. If it helps to contrast God to the little “g” gods and why we shouldn’t trust in those things, feel free to do that as well.

Bed Time

Spend some time with your student, each talking about what you spend the most time thinking about. Then talk with God about it. Spend some time in prayer together, talking to and listening to the one who knows you better than anyone else ever could, your Heavenly Father.