The Family of Jesus | A Place To Belong
Joe Casiglia   -  

A Place to Belong: “The Family of Jesus”
Matthew 12:46-50
v.47 “Someone told Jesus, “Your mother and brothers are standing outside wanting to speak to you. Jesus replied, WHO is my MOTHER and who are my BROTHERS?
v.49 “Pointing to His disciples He said, here are my mother and my brothers. For WHOEVER does the WILL of my FATHER in heaven is my BROTHER and SISTER and MOTHER.”
In the world Jesus grew up in, there was no greater sin than DISLOYALTY to BLOOD RELATIVES.
“Another disciple said to Him, Lord first let me go and bury my father. But Jesus told him, FOLLOW ME and let the dead burry their own dead.”
Matthew 8:21-22
“…We have LEFT EVERYTHING to follow you! Jesus replied, No one who has LEFT home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for ME and the GOSPEL will fail to RECEIVE a HUNDRED TIMES as much in this PRESENT age: homes, brothers, sisters, mothers children and fields—along with PERSECUTIONS—AND in the age to come, ETERNAL life.”
Mark 10
“Anyone who LOVES their father or mother MORE then me is NOT WORTHY of me; anyone who LOVES their son bro daughter MORE than me is NOT WORTHY of me.”      

Matthew 10:37-38
What are the LOYALTIES that we hold to, and that we try to drag with us from the kingdoms of THIS WORLD into JESUS’ KINGDOM?
Jesus most basic VISION of  CHURCH is that of FAMILY.
“God said, let US make humanity in OUR image, in OUR likeness…”

Genesis 1:26
God is a FAMILY who MAKES family. God is LOVE, and love cannot exist without RELATIONSHIP.
v.50 “WHOEVER does the WILL of my FATHER in heaven is my BROTHER and SISTER AND MOTHER.”
“Jesus answered, The WORK of God is this: to BELIEVE in the ONE HE has SENT.”
John 6:29 
Salvation is a new BIRTH into a new FAMILY.
God does BIG things in SMALL groups.