Getting Started | A Guide For Practicing Prayer
Joe Casiglia   -  

Practicing Prayer: “Getting Started with Prayer”
Matthew 6:5-8

WHEN do you pray and WHY do you pray?

Jesus expects us to be disciples who MAKE more disciples.

Becoming more like Jesus means the PRACTICE of PRAYER is also critical for us to EXPERIENCE CLOSENESS with God in our daily lives.

Matthew 6:5-8 pg. 1,504

v.5 “When you pray DO NOT be like the HYPOCRITES, for they love to PRAY standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be SEEN by OTHERS. I tell you the truth, they have received their REWARD in full.”

v.6 “But when YOU pray go into your ROOM and CLOSE the door and pray to your FATHER who is UNSEEN. Then your Father who SEES what is done in SECRET will REWARD you.”

v.7 “And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like the pagans, for they think they will be HEARD because of their MANY words.”

v.8 “ Do not be like THEM, for your Father KNOWS what you need BEFORE you ask Him.”

Then WHY ask? WHY pray?

Your Heavenly Father has invited you into a relationship with Him that is to be characterized by INTIMACY and CONNECTION.

There is a word of difference between feeling GUILTY about SOMETHING and LOVING SOMEONE.

Guilt can change BEHAVIOR, but I can’t change a HEART.

v.9 “This then is HOW you should pray.”

Exercises to help you practice prayer:
1. This week practice praying this way, alone, un-distracted, addressing God as Father.
2. Don’t get focused on the length of time.
3. Don’t let an unanswered prayer from the past stop you from praying now.