Peace, Love, Faith, Grace | Farewell Pastor Tony
Not GOODBYE… See You Soon
“Peace to the brothers and sisters, and love with faith from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace to all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love.”
Ephesians 6:23-24… 32 farewell words from Paul to his beloved church in Ephesus
Faith, Troy Church… You are truly my beloved faith family!!
1. Brothers and Sisters in Christ
2. The first blessing Paul desires for the Ephesians is PEACE.
· true peace with God, peace with others and peace inside you
3. The next blessing he desires for them is LOVE WITH FAITH
· being secure in God’s love for you
· actively loving others
4. Another blessing Paul desires for his beloved church is GRACE.
· God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense / unmerited favor
· the list of His riches goes on and on!
5. “all those who love Jesus with an undying love”
· the Ephesian Christians didn’t always live up to that title (neither do we) but God kept them close to Him and loved them faithfully
I pray Paul’s blessing upon you, my beloved church
Today is not “Goodbye”, it’s “see you soon”!