Apostles | Here As In Heaven
RJ Grunewald   -  

Here As In Heaven
On EARTH as it is in HEAVEN
The Kingdom:
God’s PEOPLE doing God’s WORK by God’s POWER.
Ephesians 4:11-13
Jesus gifts the church in UNIQUE ways.
Jesus EQUIPS the church for the work of ministry.
“So Christ himself gave the apostles…”
What’s an APOSTLE?
The word “apostle” means “SENT ONE”
Pioneers, Entrepreneurs, Innovators, Designers, Organizational Leaders, Visionaries
Matthew 25:14-26
Jesus CELEBRATES when you use the gifts that you’ve been entrusted with creatively.
Acts 16:13-15
Acts celebrates the way Lydia’s business-minded gifting impacted the local church.
What if?!?!