The Lord’s Prayer | Hallowed Be Thy Name
RJ Grunewald   -  

Read This

God’s name is holy.

Exodus 3:1-15

Remember This

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”

Philippians 4:6

Remember This Too:

God’s name is certainly holy in itself, but we pray in this petition that it may be kept holy among us also.

How is God’s name kept holy?

God’s name is kept holy when the Word of God is taught in its truth and purity, and we, as the children of God, also lead holy lives according to it. Help us to do this, dear Father in heaven! But anyone who teaches or lives contrary to God’s Word profanes the name of God among us. Protect us from this, heavenly Father!


Think About This

We use words to describe all kinds of things. We think a certain game is awesome or school is boring. The word that the Bible uses to describe God is holy, which means that God is set apart and exalted. Not only is the word holy a word that describes God, but we also can either reflect that character of God in the way we live our lives or we can counteract that character of God.

Drive Time

While you’re driving play the alphabet game by having people look for a letter on signs, licenses plates, etc. starting with A and moving alphabetically through the alphabet. To add a twist to this, when they find a letter also have them come up with a word that describes God matching that letter. (ie: A – awesome, B – beautiful, C – caring).

Meal Time

Read Numbers 6:23-27. This section is called the Aaronic blessing. Ask your kids, “What are some characteristics that are true about humans that are never true about God?” Also ask, “When this verse says God’s name is put on us… what things about God do you think it is referring to that would bless us?”

Bed Time

Ask your kids, “What are some ways you can honor God’s name with your words or actions in the next week?” Share some ideas you might have also.

Morning Time

Recall one or some of the ways your kids talked about wanting to honor God and say a prayer with them before school that they would have opportunities to honor God in that way.

Additional study: Questions 250-254 in the Explanation of the Small Catechism