The Gather Podcast | Jesus, Our Bridegroom
Autumn Casiglia   -  

This week Autumn teaches about how Jesus is the bridegroom and the church is the bride.

The Bible starts with a marriage and ends with a marriage. Genesis 2 and Revelation 19-21 Put on your Jewish scholar glasses so you can see through ancient eyes.

The Bible is a great divine love story. In Ephesians 5:21-33, Paul describes marriage as a “musterion mega” – a mega mystery. If you are married you likely agree that it is a mystery. Learning to sacrificially love one another is not easy. On a deeper level is the mystery of His love for us. His love goes beyond our behavior; His love speaks to His character of love and pursuit. The invitation is to have an intimate – more than enough – pure – pursuing – set apart relationship with Jesus. The good news He does all the work to bring us into that relationship.

John 3:16-17 Marriage is a small reflection of the relationship of Christ and the church. It is supposed to be a beacon pointing the way to Jesus. Is it surprising that the enemy would attack this picture of Jesus’ love. The good news the is nothing can stand in the way of the Bridegroom’s love for His bride.


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